Monday, August 13, 2007

Parallel Play

Here's a snapshot of a typical Sunday evening here in New House in SFe. One person is tucked into a large armchair in the living room, surrounded by dogs in various stages of repose. She has her laptop out, her earphones in, a 1/2-empty bottle of Gruet by her side, and is laughing & crying to multiple episodes of "Mad TV." The other person is in the kitchen making cauliflower soup. Her entertainment is a CD of Jane Eyre, read by Emma Fielding in a perfect Midlands accent. During occasional lulls in preparation she also pulls out her knitting while listening closely to Jane's thoughts on Mr. Rochester.
The soup is praised during dinner. One person is admonished for settling for an ordinary Chardonnay when she could be drinking tequila. Then there is post-prandial dog exercise in the front yard. The equipment consists of a tennis racket & pink tennis ball as well as a practice polo mallet. An overly enthusiastic dog narrowly misses being brained by the mallet. Polo ponies have a lot to put up with.
So the sun descends on a satisfactory Sunday in Santa Fe. Monday looms, but it will have its moments, too.

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