Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Living Well

Hints of fall today, both in light and in air movement and temperature. I started re-reading, again, Sara & Gerald, about my favorite Americans abroad in the '20s. Perhaps I feel something like a San Franciscan abroad these days. Sara and Gerald lived in Europe for quite some time, yet always remained Americans, in the best sense. I hope I remain a San Franciscan in the best sense, wherever we live.
Gerald talked about the invented part of life being the only part of real lasting value. He meant the creative part, the part one has jurisdiction over, not the parts of life that bowl one over, haunt and disappoint. Active creation and invention for not just oneself but for those one loves and respects is the lasting satisfaction in our brief existence.

Invention, however, is not an escape. It is taking the power and transcending.

Remember I jokingly threatened philosophizing in the last posting?

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