Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Birthday Blog

Yesterday I was told — nay, ordered — to take the day off today for my birthday. Well, OK. And a lovely little day it's been. Plaza Diner for brekkie. All the tourists have gone! Fall is in the air! So we scootied down there with warm things on, ate and went on to the farmers market for Necessary Things. Home again to plan the day, more or less. Very nice phone calls from darling boys and sweet old friends.
Then off to the Bataan Memorial Museum. Of course that's my birthday choice. Followed by sushi for lunch. We debated the irony of that one and decided that celebrating things improving after wars is a good idea. Amazingly, there was a paratrooper's helmet in the museum from the actual 2d Battalion of the 506th PIR, 101st Airborne. Truly. Pretty damn cool.
In the afternoon we rambled down the arroyo that runs along St. John's College with Agent Twist and Capt. Bodkin. Queen Folly stayed home.
Now I'm about to make the birthday blackberry cobbler for tonight, accompanied by lashings of Gruet.
Oh, yes, and I got fun clothes...and a perfect Santa Fe day.

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