Monday, July 14, 2008

Bastille Day

Speaking of 1789! Revolution all over the place in July.
Well, the Russkies waited till less clement weather,although the Reds did massacre the Romanovs in July.

Other notable July dates:

1st —— First day of the Battle of the Somme, 1916; tragic, shocking, historic and vile
Also birthday of the People's Princess (sounds like another Bolshevik reference, doesn't it?)

15th — Second Battle of the Marne commences, 1918.
Very important in marking the beginning of the end of WW1.

And sometime now was the birth of Julius Caesar, right? Hence the name of the month. Don't have the actual date.

And lots of people near & dear to me and M have birthdays in this month. To all, many happy returns and lots of affection from us both.

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