Thursday, April 24, 2008

Not Only About Cats

It's probably time for a cat update. I know it's been a month+ since I wrote here. Mea culpa. Lots of copy editing got in the way, which it will every quarter, so be forewarned. And just to get a little weather report in: it snowed last Saturday and then again on Thursday. Spring appeared between each snow visitation. It's again spring, probably for a while now; I hesitate to say for good until May is well under way.
So, cats.
They are now our little night fairies. I want to leave a pile of straw one night to see if we have spun gold in the morning. Their little bells tinkle all night long in such a charming way. Then when we open the door in the morning Tom is waiting in that curled-up cat way right outside the door so the idjit dogs can chase him back to his lair. Ducky of course has more sense.
Driving (the cart) has been so lovely lately—not freezing so that I can't feel my fingers even in my winter driving gloves (really). And you would not believe the shedding every time I harness her. I thought I'd had dogs that produced annoying amounts of hair. Try combing out a mustang who has spent the winter outside with her pals (three other horses [to whom she is matched in color and size for 4-in-hand driving], two mules and one Italian donkey named Luigi). At a certain point I just have to stop or I'd spend all my allotted driving time with her and the shedding comb.
And almost all the trees now have at least blossoms. Some have leaves. And yet, I do believe there is a chance of snow next week. Such fun. In another week the farmers market goes back outside.
Back to work now. This I wrote during lunch, like a real worker bee.
Love to all my worker bee friends out there.

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