Saturday, February 2, 2008

On Into February....

Oh, bloggy-blog, how neglectful I've been. But just look at the justifiable distractions: prepping for a Big Meeting in Charleston, SC all January! and...well, prepping for a big meeting in Charleston in January.
We're back now, and it was so great being back in Charleston, this time on my business trip (anybody seen
Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion? Remember how they were 'business women'?) with Marg as my sidekick instead of the other way round. She was an amazing amanuensis (more vocab from KW). So wonderful & supportive & fun. And she brought me my cell phone when I left it in the hotel room! I guess I set a good example all these years.
Probably the highlight of Charleston was our escape to our very special Folly Island (yes, namesake of our special bully dog), where we walked the beach, in rather windy cold weather, found shells (more on that presently), and Marg stripped to her bathing suit and braved the 50-degree Atlantic just for the crazy fun of it. Briefly. I was Support Staff holding the towel.
SHELL STORY: 2 astoundingly beautiful, large, unbroken, corrugated, multi-colored whelks (?) that we found just peeking out of the wet sand at low tide. They turned out to have creatures housed inside, rather thick, slug-like creatures, but living nonetheless. Moral & ethical debates ensued: beauty vs. life. (An aside attributed to Modigliani (paraphrased): in a fire, choose life (a cat) over beauty (a painting). We chose life, much as we admire & revere beauty: The whelks were tossed back into the sea, where they could at least escape the jaws of the seagulls lurking on the sands.

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