Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Time Flies

Yes, it's been well over a month since I wrote anything. During that time there has been a brief visit by a disgruntled 20-yr. old (guess who?) and daily invasions by wonderful tilers who are getting the guest annex smartened up a bit so it can welcome our friends and family in the near future. The big coyote fence in the back is nearly finished, so the dogs can run free up to a point. It's called a coyote fence not only because it deters coyotes (although we do live in town) but also because the bark is left on the narrow cedar logs and it looks like coyote fur. A very beautiful fence.
I am officially working at Edible Communities --- we publish all the Edible magazines around the country. Can't believe my good fortune. Such nice people doing interesting good things around food & sustainability & local growers. There's an Edible Santa Fe somewhere around Tognetti's desk for you to check out.....
And I'll bring some samples when we're back for the Tiburon Mile in September. Save the date: Hukilau 14 September. I have to see where to get Frenet here in SFe so we can entice a few of you out here. There is tequila, you know, oodles of it, practically for sale on street corners. Not really.
Today I made 2 trips to the recycling center WAY out of town in a rather beautiful area, among other errands. We have recycling pickup here only every other week, and I'm sorry to say we have too many cardboard boxes around here to be attractive, so I like to get them out of here pdq.
Picnic on the Plaza tonight with some sort of live music on the bandstand. We'll scooter down, since Plaza parking, especially in summer, is just as bad as certain SFo areas.
More photos to come.

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