Monday, July 30, 2007


I thought of this topic because of the Bataan Memorial here in Santa Fe. Why here, you ask? Well, a large portion of the soldiers on that march (May 1942 -- more homework)were from a New Mexico National Guard division [200th Coast Artillery--]

And Margarita and I have always had the Bataan Death March in mind whenever we think there is something unbearable in our path. Perspective dictates the mantra "It's not the Bataan Death March". Last August we were in Chicago taking Malcolm to his first year in college there, with the attendant sadness, nostalgia, pride, and worry. She and I took a walk over the river there on a handsome iron bridge, mulling over the emotions in all of us during that milestone 5 days in Chicago. It was one of our "not the Bataan Death March" discussions. Yes, it's wrenching to take your youngest to college and leave him in a strange city; contrary to all natural parental feelings. But there are also good, important aspects to such a transition, for all concerned. Hence, not the Bataan Death March. And, as we reached the opposite side of the river we read the bronze plaque naming this bridge(bronze plaques are so often worthwhile). I know you know the name of the bridge: The Bataan Memorial Bridge. Revelation & confirmation.


The reference to territory is a hark to history, when New Mexico was a territory, not a state. It became a territory, just after the Mexican-American War, in 1850, interestingly enough on 9 September, the same day when California became a state in 1957. New Mexico, however, remained a territory till 1912. Also interesting is that my favorite architectural style here in NM is called territorial (your homework is to research that --- I can't provide all the education here). And does anyone remember the old TV show "Tombstone Territory"? That was pretty enthralling to a small child. Territory has the cachet of a bit of wilderness, something still out of bounds but with degrees of civilization, not too much. And just look at this cool old map.

Saturday, July 21, 2007


Tonight, just a very short while ago, we had an astounding thunder/lightning/rain storm. I have never seen the dogs so stressed. Poor Folly was panting and shaking beyond belief. The lightning came so close that Marg made us go away from the windows and turn off electrical things. Spooky. And then there was the torrent of rain. While I consoled the dogs with my reassuring presence in one room, Marg had to buffer the door to the annex with towels to prevent water surging under the door and into the room. I made her wait till the storm passed to go outside and sweep the excess water down the drain. The only other time we had to do such things was, actually, in SFo some years ago, before we built the extension off our kitchen. The decking outside the kitchen was clogged between the planks with dirt, etc. and a powerful rainstorm came in that built up enough water on our deck to threaten coming into the kitchen. What to do?? Grab barbeque skewers and go out there in the pouring rain (no lightning, fortunately) and get soaked while sawing away at the grooves between the planks to create a place for the rain to go other than our kitchen. A memorable event. It sure bent the ^&$**#* out of our skewers. Good thing we don't barbeque much.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Chic Life

So many things are just eternal, wherever one lives, apparently. Here I sit waiting now for 5 hours for the stove repair person, who phoned 2 hours ago saying he'd be here in 1 hour. This would be the first day since I started working here in SFe that there are crucial things I have to accomplish today. But I'm not there; I'm here. I've already: folded clothes, put them away; emailed more than I care to admit; done some obscure searching online for a cooktop to replace the one allegedly being repaired today, just in case; moved my things from one handbag to another; put off lunch because nothing here is interesting and I truly thought I would be gone by now (1 pm)....He's here.

Friday, July 13, 2007

The Iron Grip

I think I have spoken with at least 3 people in San Francisco today and left messages for several others. Everyone says how beautiful the weather has been, but I know they're exaggerating, right?
This seems to be one of the Harder Times: the consuming drama of buying, selling, moving, unpacking, establishing & tidying is now winding down, and the Missing of People has set in with a worrying tenacity. I knew it would come -- I wonder now, how long does it keep its iron grip? Funny how the "To Sir With Love" theme song is now playing on my iTunes. Friends and change and love.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

City & Country

We live in town, but our house is on a dirt road. There are chic, high-heeled-shoe boutiques and western boot outlets. Some of our recycling is picked up at the house; the rest we drive way out of town (farther than Tunnel Road?). In theory it's permissible to ride one's horse downtown around the plaza. Posh restaurants abound. The museums attract aficionadi from around the world, and international art fairs draw gallery curators of note. The food is both on the cutting edge of culinary modernism and solid, traditional corn, beans, squash. And there are no fines at the public library.
It's a funny mix: excitement and melancholy.
Still haven't found a horse to ride.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Time Flies

Yes, it's been well over a month since I wrote anything. During that time there has been a brief visit by a disgruntled 20-yr. old (guess who?) and daily invasions by wonderful tilers who are getting the guest annex smartened up a bit so it can welcome our friends and family in the near future. The big coyote fence in the back is nearly finished, so the dogs can run free up to a point. It's called a coyote fence not only because it deters coyotes (although we do live in town) but also because the bark is left on the narrow cedar logs and it looks like coyote fur. A very beautiful fence.
I am officially working at Edible Communities --- we publish all the Edible magazines around the country. Can't believe my good fortune. Such nice people doing interesting good things around food & sustainability & local growers. There's an Edible Santa Fe somewhere around Tognetti's desk for you to check out.....
And I'll bring some samples when we're back for the Tiburon Mile in September. Save the date: Hukilau 14 September. I have to see where to get Frenet here in SFe so we can entice a few of you out here. There is tequila, you know, oodles of it, practically for sale on street corners. Not really.
Today I made 2 trips to the recycling center WAY out of town in a rather beautiful area, among other errands. We have recycling pickup here only every other week, and I'm sorry to say we have too many cardboard boxes around here to be attractive, so I like to get them out of here pdq.
Picnic on the Plaza tonight with some sort of live music on the bandstand. We'll scooter down, since Plaza parking, especially in summer, is just as bad as certain SFo areas.
More photos to come.