Thursday, March 13, 2008

Cars, Cats, & Canyons

Well, apparently it isn't Cerrillos Rd. that's the most dangerous through-way in Santa Fe. It's the parking lot of Whole Foods: wanderers, double-parkers, blind reversers, and general mayhem. It's a wonder I made it home with my meager (yet $$$) groceries.

We have stepped up the cat-exposure to Folly & Twist. Now there is a dog/baby gate across the Little Bedroom where the cats reign. We feed the dogs in the hallway outside and keep the door open whenever we're home. Tom especially is So Curious. He loves to steal up to the gate, look at a dog and hiss, then run away. It's a total game. Ducky is, of course, smarter and more circumspect, so she waits atop a bed to see what happens to Tom, the point man. Folly & Twist really are just interested—no drama, thank goodness. Maybe in a month or so we can ditch the baby/dog gate and see how used to each other they are. Looks good so far.

Last weekend we went on Saturday NW from here to Bandelier National Park, where there are fantastic cliff dwellings extant from the Anasazi settlement there of 800 or so years ago. We took a Lovely Picnic but ate in the car because of the snow and cold. The walk along the cliffs was precipitous at times but so engaging. The settlement is in a long deep canyon with a year-round creek running through it. Really a perfect place. Marg had been there with the 6th grade recently, so she stood in for the local guide and taught me how to survive on pine needles (and how to tell them from fir), which are apparently both sustenance and a dental cleaner. Clever nature.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Really Important Stuff

I just heard today that someone still reads my blog. I think that's great because I'm not stopping writing now. I haven't yet documented a whole year's worth of weather. You know that's why we came here in the first place, right?
So, today is Monday, yes, and it was pretty usual. The fact that it's the day after the clocks go forward did add a soupcon of interest: the alarm was not set properly and we arose 1/2 hour before Marg had to be at school. I was very noble and drove her. Then I headed out some time later.
One of the bigger irritations for the Santa Fe driver these days is the endless (way more endless than The Big Dig) refurbishing of Guadalupe St., which happens to be right on my way to work and right in front of Edible's PO Box at Pakmail! Thoughtless sods. Santa Feans are quite fed up. Perhaps I'll just take a little photo tomorrow via my trusty mobile phone and fill you in on the horror.
And then, later in the afternoon, as I sat working hard for the Edible Empire, I heard a familiar, long ago & far away sound: protesters shouting slogans. What could this be? I realize Santa Fe is Very Down With It, but this was a strength of feeling that isn't usually present here in the Land of Enchantment. Fearless Leader and I walked to the front windows and beheld: two cars of Santa Fe's Finest leading a procession down our (2-lane) street of maybe 36 people protesting the occupation of Tibet --- and all but 1 looked to be actual Tibetans! We raised our fists in solidarity and shed a tear for the cause and also for our long-faded days of marching with indignation and vision. Now we type out indignation and vision and still hope for betterment somewhere, somehow.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

At-Home Thursday

SNOW DAY. Yes, the update is Yet More Snow. Probably 8-10 inches (as of now) where we are and lots more in other areas. So we are: cooking, cleaning, typing, cranking up the tunes, tracking the storm, thinking about walking dogs, grateful for Netflix.
Last weekend another satisfying visit from a Dear SFo friend. We wined & dined, walked in the 70-degree weather on Saturday and sat around the cozy fire on the 30-degree Sunday. The advent of spring is quite interesting around here. As Marg said: summer on Sat., winter on Sun.